
The only thing better than singing is more singing. – Ella Fitzgerald

The Polymnia Choral Society maintains a strong commitment to bring music and the joy of singing to the communities we serve. Over the years we have completed outreach to schools and other institutions providing the choir singing experience, performances, and educational music encounters for young and old.

We welcome singers from any of the surrounding cities and towns around Melrose. Each spring, we encourage high school students from all over to participate in our “Spotlight on High School Talent.” We have included featured performers from our high school talent group, our own chorale, as well as regional and national talent in our performances.

The most important benefit that Polymnia provides is bringing camaraderie, sense of purpose, and musical and cultural growth to its members and friends. The continuing growth in membership and ever-expanding audiences testifies to the Polymnia Choral Society’s success and its importance to people of all ages in Melrose and neighboring communities.

You should be singing with us!

Rehearsals occur on Tuesdays, beginning in September at Melrose Highlands Congregational Church, 355 Franklin St, Melrose, MA 02176, at 7:00pm and run through the first week in June the following year. Just come in and introduce yourself to our Music Librarian, Accompanist, or our Music Director. We’ll do the rest!